Have you ever heard a song on the radio, thought you’d like to own it, then missed the title? It’s a frustrating experience, but listeners to a number of British stations who access radiovia their computers will now be able to buy the songs on their mobile phones. The new service, called Cliq, is owned by UBC Media, and was announced lastyear. After being trialed in August, it’s just been rolled out across 21 stations after agreement has been reached with all the major labels. Customers will be able to buy using Virgin mobile phones via its Lobster 700 TV handset. Simon Cole, Chief Executive officer of UBC Media commented, “We are now in a position wherethe pieces of the DMD (Digital Music Download) jigsaw are in place. We know there is a demand for DMD, our trial this summer demonstrated this, the logistics of delivery are almost finalized, and Iam delighted that we have now got every key player in the radio and music industry on board to ensure the successful launch of the service next year. This is digital radio’s killerapplication.” Some of the country’s most popular commercial stations, including Heart, Galaxy, Magic and Smooth Radio have signed up to participate.