In the battle for mobile platform dominance, Android is increasing its presence to the tune of 700,000 new devices every single day.
The number was reported by Android platform chief Andy Rubin (in a post on Google Plus, of course), and indicates an impressive rate of growth for Google popular mobile platform. Back in July, the company reported that it was activating 550,000 new devices each day.
And just to head off those who’d question the definition of a “new activation,” Rubin followed up his original post with some clarification:
…and for those wondering, we count each device only once (ie, we don’t count re-sold devices), and “activations” means you go into a store, buy a device, put it on the network by subscribing to a wireless service.
Google announced last month that it had activated over 200 million new Android devices — a number that indicates the mobile platform war is far from over.