We all know that tablet owners are far too inclined to bring their devices into bathroom when it’s time to go. And it looks like that number is about to be on the rise, even for the tiniest of tech-savvy users. We encountered the iPotty on the CES show floor this week and and we’re still conflicted about it. Should we really be teaching tots that the bathroom is an appropriate place for delicate electronics? Sure, having something to occupy you while you’re indisposed is nice. But if 2-year-olds can’t crap without an app to occupy them, what is the world coming to?
Parents are meant to use the iPotty as a toilet training tool, thus it has what you’d expect from such a product (such as a removable potty bowl). An iPad stand is attached to the front and includes a plastic cover/enclosure to protect the tablet from “messy hands.” The stand conveniently adjusts to three different angles and works either in portrait or landscape. If kids find the iPad too distracting, you can remove the stand altogether, but then you just have a normal plastic toilet. Boring!
The company behind the product, CTA Digital, doesn’t appear to be working on a potty app for toddlers, so there’s plenty of opportunity for some enterprising developer to create one.
Reps at CES claimed that toddlers in the toilet training phase often get bored and fidgety on the can, so the iPotty will help keep them sitting. I suppose that since they can’t read a magazine it’s fair to give them something they can do. Can’t have kids learning to deal with boredom.
Once your child is done with potty training the iPotty then transforms into a regular little iPad station thanks to a seat cover that makes the toilet into a normal seat. I’m not sure toddlers who’ve had to go through the horror of leaving diapers behind will ever want to deal with the instrument of their torture afterwards. Then again, since they’ll associate pooping with iPad game time the whole process won’t be as much of a trial.
Once kids graduate to the big toilet they will still expect the same level of tablet access. CTA has a solution for that, too: the Bathroom Tablet Stand for iPad.
Here again, you get to choose your orientation and angle. There’s even a convenient toilet paper holder! I think maybe the iPotty is a clever plan to train little people to need the Bathroom Tablet Stand when they get to be big people. Well played, CTA Digital. Well played.
You’ll probably see the iPotty wherever quality baby stuff is sold in the coming months. Our question is: will you buy it?