At some point along the strange existence of the Fast and Furious series, the movies made the sudden turn from joke to beloved franchise. While the seventh installment blew up the box office earlier this year, the director of Fast and Furious 6 will make his mark on the Google I/O stage come May 2015.
Justin Lin, the man behind the well-received film, will lend his eye for action to the Google I/O proceedings. The multi-day developer’s conference usually digs into the technical stuff when it comes to Google’s upcoming projects, but during the Advanced Technology and Products presentation scheduled for May 29, there will be considerably more showmanship than usual.
Lin will provide his take on the Spotlight Stories, the little shorts that pop up on the Moto X smartphone, and in the Google Cardboard virtual reality headset. While those videos are usually animated, Lin will be blowing things out in a way only a Fast and Furious alumnus could. According to the event description, Google says, “We’ll debut our newest Spotlight Story ‘Fast-and-Furious’ style. Justin Lin’s live action short goes live at I/O. In full 360 with 3D soundsphere.”
The ATAP’s 1-hour and fifteen minute time slot is sure to be packed full of far more than just the video, of course. ATAP is best known as the branch of Google tasked with developing Project Ara, the modular smartphone set to debut later this year in Puerto Rico. The team is also promising to show off new wearables. Whatever they have planned, it’s sure to be interesting. And if it’s not, well, maybe Justin Lin’s short will blow some stuff up and give you the satisfaction you crave.