is reporting that Motorola CEO Ed Zander threw out the idea that Apple could be introducing a smart phone sometime in the near future. The remark was made yesterday at a Technology Review conference. Zander was quoted sometime last week as attacking the Apple iPod nano saying "Screw the nano. What the hell does the nano do? Who listens to 1,000 songs?” Although Zander claims he was taken out of context, the media has taken advantage of the situation speculating that there might be a rift between Motorola and Apple (the two companies have a long history of working together). Zander told the press that they have a great relationship with Motorola, and added that he knows Apple will be” building a smart phone, it is only a matter of time.” You can read the full story here. The new Motorola ROKR phone has received bad reviews and press since its inception due to its limited storage capabilities and bland design. Has Apple held out in an effort to introduce their own smart phone which will showcase the companies design ingenuity? If so, that would be a major insult to Motorola who has no doubt invested heavily into creating an iTunes mobile phone.