Visible, a Verizon-owned carrier that offers an unlimited plan at limited speeds, is stepping up its game — for a limited time. The company is temporarily removing its 5Mbps data speed cap, meaning you can get as much talk, text, and data as you want for $40 per month without being throttled down to 5Mbps.
The best thing about the announcement? If you’re already a Visible customer, all you have to do is restart your phone to remove the speed cap. Not only that, but both new and existing customers will continue to get data at the uncapped speed for as long as they’re Visible customers. Visible is quick to point out that the offer for uncapped data will only be available for a limited time, so presumably after it’s no longer offered, new customers won’t be able to get the uncapped data speeds, while existing customers will continue to enjoy it.
This is not likely to be the only announcement from Visible over the next few months. The company says that it is experimenting with the uncapped data speed due to customer requests, with the goal of seeing how customers use their data when they don’t have capped speeds.
“Our approach towards launching in this manner is to understand exactly what customers need and use,” Visible CEO Miguel Quiroga told Digital Trends.
The goal, according to Visible, is to tweak its service with the aim of making things simple for the customer. That has always been Visible’s goal — there’s no contract, although many carriers offer no contract plans these days, and what you see really is what you get. To date, there has been one major hangup to that though — a capped data speed.
As mentioned, Visible is expected to launch more features over the next few months. The company is focused on increasing device compatibility, and to that end also announced compatibility with the Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL — both to customers who already have a Pixel 3 and to those who are willing to buy one from the carrier. Not only that, but in the coming weeks the carrier will also offer Pixel 3a and 3a XL support, and Moto G7 Power support.