You, Me and the Apocalypse is a British-produced series that debuted on the U.K.’s Sky 1 in September. The story centers on the days leading up to the apocalypse, with a comet on course to destroy Earth. Throughout the series, an unlikely cast of characters find their lives intersecting in surprising ways, leading to strange and entertaining situations.
Among the characters are Father Jude (played by Lowe), an unconventional priest with a penchant for profanity; Sister Celine Leonti (Gaia Scodellaro), his shy assistant; Rhonda (Fischer), a librarian sent to prison for a crime she didn’t commit; Leanne (Mullally), an unstable prisoner, not to mention a white supremacist, who befriends Rhonda; and Jamie (Mathew Baynton), a bank manager looking for his missing wife. Frighteningly, some of these characters may become the future of mankind after winding up in a bunker below Slough, an English suburb.
The cast of You, Me and the Apocalypse also includes Joel Fry, Paterson Joseph, Pauline Quirke, and Kyle Stoller. Iain Hollands is the writer of the series, as well as executive producer alongside Juliette Howell, Lynn Horsford, Tim Bevan, Eric Fellner, JoAnn Alfano, Cameron Roach, Lizzie Gray, and Andrew Conrad. The series is produced by Sky TV, WTTV Working Title Television, Bigballs Film, and NBCUniversal.
As Deadline points out, the departure of Heroes Reborn and You, Me and the Apocalypse‘s subsequent takeover of the slot will likely impact viewership of The Blacklist, which has enjoyed some lead-in help from the superhero series.
You, Me and the Apocalypse is set to premiere on Thursday, January 28 at 8 pm ET.