Netflix has announced that it will be removing user reviews of movies and TV shows from its site. The feature, which was only available on the desktop website, will be removed in stages. Starting July 30, users will no longer be able to add new reviews of shows or movies. By the middle of August, users will no longer be able to read previously written reviews either.
A Netflix spokesperson told CNET that the site has already notified users who have recently made use of the review system that the changes are coming. Company representatives have said that because the system was only available as a desktop feature, it had seen declining use as the services various apps have gained users.
The company also said that the written reviews played no role in how Netflix’s algorithms recommended new movies and TV shows to its userbase.
This is not the first time that Netflix has made changes to its user rating system. Last year, Netflix replaced its traditional five-star rating system with a simple thumbs up or thumbs down system to make it easier for users to quickly give their opinions regarding a show or movie. In an email to PCMag, Netflix said that the star system was confusing for some users because it left them uncertain as to how they should rate any particular title.
That being said, the thumbs up or down system has not been without its critics. Some users have complained that the new system is too simplistic and makes it difficult to give or receive an accurate opinion of a movie or TV show. Regardless, when it comes to the thumbs up or down system, Netflix has previously said that it is here to stay.
Regardless of whether you read the written reviews, use a star system, or thumbs up or down ratings, there is a lot of content to sift through on Netflix. It can be difficult to determine what you should spend your limited time on. Luckily, we’ve written a handy guide to help you find the best movies and TV shows that Netflix has to offer.