Preacher is based on the critically acclaimed series by Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon, which originally ran between 1995 and 2000. The second season of the television adaptation began airing on AMC in June and this new clip gives fans a glimpse of what to expect from its remaining episodes.
The first season of Preacher was largely focused on protagonist Jesse Custer discovering the powers bestowed upon him by the entity known as Genesis and teaming up with his companions Tulip and Cassidy. As the sophomore season got underway, the trio was on a quest to find God and the new trailer introduces two characters who are set to serve as major obstacles to that endeavor.
The clip opens with The Saint of Killers, an unstoppable killer that is searching for Custer and is portrayed by Scottish actor Graham McTavish. He makes no secret of his intentions to murder the preacher and over the course of the footage, we see plenty of evidence that he is capable of doing so.
The trailer also introduces another major villain from the comic book series, a deadly and devious member of The Grail known as Herr Starr. Starr will be played by Pip Torrens, who has previously appeared in War Horse and Star Wars: The Force Awakens and is scheduled to appear in Andy Serkis’ upcoming adaptation of The Jungle Book.
The sixth episode of the second season of Preacher, “Sokosha”, airs Monday on AMC at 9 p.m. The 13-episode run is scheduled to wrap up on September 11 — but while there has been no official word, production on its third season is already rumored to be gearing up, according to The Times-Picayune.