The long-awaited third installment in the rebooted Star Trek series is finally making strides. New photos shared by stars Zachary Quinto (Spock) and Zoe Saldana (Uhura) on Instagram show that production for the still untitled third Star Trek film in the rebooted franchise is underway. Better still, THR reports that Quinto and Chris Pine (Kirk) agreed to renegotiated deals that include an option for a fourth installment.
Sources told THR that the film’s leading stars got big raises because so much time has passed since they signed their original contracts. The franchise was rebooted in 2009, and in the time since, the actors’ star power has grown. Pine and Saladana’s careers, in particular, have seen boosts, and they wanted their salaries to reflect that. Paramount came out with an important win, too, locking down Quinto and Pine for the possible fourth film.
Now on location in British Columbia, Canada, the cast is getting ready to reprise their roles for the upcoming feature. As part of his preparation, Quinto had to get a fresh bowl cut and some eyebrow work. He shared after photos on his Instagram account, along with a shout out to the late Leonard Nimoy, the original Mr. Spock. He also encouraged fans to support Adam Nimoy, the son of Leonard, who is working on a documentary about his father’s famous character. Saldana also uploaded a photo to her own Instagram account, from hair and makeup on set.
Quinto shows off his Spock hairdo:
The Spock eyebrows are back:
in honor of my first day back and the memory of my dear friend leonard go to: and support his son adam’s documentary: FOR THE LOVE OF SPOCK!! A photo posted by Zachary Quinto (@zacharyquinto) on Jun 23, 2015 at 3:33pm PDT
Saladana sits in hair and makeup reading a magazine:
Star Trek 3 hits theaters on July 8, 2016.