The video, titled How To Edit A Video In Seven Easy Steps (Regret May Vary..), takes viewers on a journey through the various stages of video production. Everything from collecting all the footage and organizing clips, to cutting clips, adding audio and rendering the final project. Throughout the video the Lixi Studios team pokes fun at the thoughts going through an editor’s head after spending hours in front of a screen working on the same project.
Photographers, who spend similarly long hours in front of screens processing images, can likely relate to a lot of the stress, frustration, self-doubt, and delirium expressed by the editor in this video.
This video perfectly encompasses the range of emotions that one may have while taking on a video project. You may have creative blocks, frustrations and “you may not be out there saving lives or passing laws, but you’re making art.” And that’s entertainment and inspiration needed by everyone.
So keep that in mind the next time you edit a video, but make sure the power doesn’t knock out your computer before you saved a project.