Hosted by Matt Dozier and Allison Lantero, the show closely mirrors the setup of This American Life, which is referenced in the premiere episode in a skit called This American Lightbulb, hosted by none other than Ira Fiberglass.
In the first few minutes, we’re introduced to the history of the Energy Department (it was founded by President Jimmy Carter in 1977), but soon thereafter, we’re in the meat of the segment, diving into solar panels and the “bureaucratic red tape” standing in the way of this particular form of renewable energy.
Throughout the episode, Dozier and Lantero “investigate the sneaky ‘soft costs’ that are a big chunk of rooftop solar prices” and “delve into the archives for a look at the turbulent times around the Energy Department’s creation.” In the episode, Dozier also speaks with Chris Carrick of the Central New York Regional Planning and Development Board about his success in implementing renewable energy sources in upstate New York.
It’s an enjoyable listen. And at less than 25 minutes an episode, you might as well just give it a shot, right?