UPDATE: Wicked Lasers has officially attached a laser onto a live shark.
A few weekends ago, Saturday Night Live revived its ongoing Laser Cats skit with its most recent Digital Short featuring a Steven Spielberg-inspired plot. Low in production? Absolutely. Hilarious? Sure. Overdone and getting old? Well, if you agree with that last statement, you might be excited to learn there’s a new animal in town that’s about to get equipped with lasers, and it ain’t going to be tiny kittens.
Wicked Lasers, known for making powerful handheld laser sticks, is running a promotion where it promises to send a team of professional divers into the deep blue sea to attach fully-functional Spyder 3 laser onto a live shark if it receives more than 2,000 likes on its Facebook announcement post before May 27. Wicked Lasers is calling it its way of helping the shark defend itself… as if this monstrous sea creature needs anymore intimidation! The post appeared on the company fan page for just 15 hours and has already received more than its goal, naturally. One lucky fan who liked the post will also win a set of the Spyder 3 laser and call his or herself the unofficial laser shark tamer.
The company has yet to release where or when divers will be sent for this epic mission, or if the entire experience will be captured by video. We also wonder if you can spot the laser shark as it approaches the surface so those at sea can get a warning that a shark is headed their way. Will smaller sea creatures get blinded by the power of the Spyder 3 beam? So many concerns.
No matter what the Wicked Lasers team does, we just hope for a safe trip and that no one gets hurt in the process — shark included. This is definitely one of the wildest social media marketing campaigns we’ve seen in a while, and likely inspired by Dr. Evil’s laser sharks from Austin Powers in Goldmember. “Frickin’ laser beams” for the win?