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Event Horizon Telescope can now take images of black holes that are 50% sharper

Illustration of the highest-resolution detections ever made from the surface of Earth
Illustration of the highest-resolution detections ever made from the surface of Earth ESO/M. Kornmesser

The Event Horizon Telescope project, the group that took the first-ever image of a black hole, has made another historic breakthrough, making the highest-ever resolution observations of space taken from the Earth’s surface. The project uses facilities around the globe to turn the Earth itself into a giant observatory, which is capable of taking highly precise measurements of distant galaxies.

The latest observations made use of the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), a large array of radio telescopes located in Chile, as well as other facilities in Spain, France, and Hawaii. To get higher-resolution images than previous observations, scientists weren’t able to make the telescope bigger — as it was already the size of the Earth — so they observed at a higher frequency instead.

The new setup allowed the researchers to detect light at a wavelength equivalent to 0.87 mm, which should make future images of black holes 50% more detailed — especially the area immediately around the boundary of a black hole.

“To understand why this is a breakthrough, consider the burst of extra detail you get when going from black and white photos to color,” said Sheperd Doeleman, founding director of the EHT. “This new ‘color vision’ allows us to tease apart the effects of Einstein’s gravity from the hot gas and magnetic fields that feed the black holes and launch powerful jets that stream over galactic distances.”

This simulated image shows how M87* is seen by the Event Horizon Telescope at 86 GHz (red), 230 GHz (green), and 345 GHz (blue). The higher the frequency, the sharper the image becomes, revealing structure, size, and shape that was previously less discernible.
This simulated image shows how M87* is seen by the Event Horizon Telescope at 86GHz (red), 230GHz (green), and 345GHz (blue). The higher the frequency, the sharper the image becomes, revealing structure, size, and shape that was previously less discernible. EHT, D. Pesce, A. Chael

This new ability should enable future images of black holes to be sharper, helping to see the cloud of dust and gas around the edges of a black hole that can help explain how black holes feed and grow, as well as learning about the jets of matter that they can send out at extreme speeds when feeding.

“With the EHT, we saw the first images of black holes using the 1.3-mm wavelength observations, but the bright ring we saw, formed by light bending in the black hole’s gravity, still looked blurry because we were at the absolute limits of how sharp we could make the images,” said fellow researcher Alexander Raymond. “At 0.87 mm, our images will be sharper and more detailed, which in turn will likely reveal new properties, both those that were previously predicted and maybe some that weren’t.”

The research is published in The Astronomical Journal.

Georgina Torbet
Georgina is the Digital Trends space writer, covering human space exploration, planetary science, and cosmology. She…
See the terrifying scale of a supermassive black hole in NASA visualization
Illustration of the black hole Sagittarius A* at the center of the Milky Way.

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Illustration of the black hole Sagittarius A* at the center of the Milky Way. International Gemini Observatory/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA/J. da Silva/(Spaceengine) Acknowledgement: M. Zamani (NSF's NOIRLab)

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Scientists observing the compact radio core of M87 have discovered new details about the galaxy’s supermassive black hole. In this artist’s conception, the black hole’s massive jet of matter is seen rising up from the center of the black hole. The observations on which this illustration is based represent the first time that the jet and the black hole shadow have been imaged together, giving scientists new insights into how black holes can launch these powerful jets. S. Dagnello (NRAO/AUI/NSF)

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