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Wondershare Filmora: Understanding the Gen Z talent shaping influencer culture

Gen Z In Action promo image with influencers
Wondershare Filmora

It is often said that younger generations can sometimes be hard to understand, in their approach to life and motivations. When it comes to modern influencer culture, content creation, and new, emerging technologies like AI, that indeed remains true. But thanks to a just-released documentary from Wondershare Filmora — called Gen Z in Action — we may have finally cracked the code. Okay, forgive my dry humor there. My generation is just as anomalous to older folks. The real focus here is Wondershare’s documentary.

Filmed in Vancouver, British Columbia, it features in-depth reviews with over a dozen Gen Z content creators who have found success in their fields, including music, photography, and even cosplay. It delves into the lives of those creators, showcasing and honoring their dedication to their craft and personal innovations and exploring the unique challenges they face in today’s hyper-digital landscape.

Perhaps more interesting, it also explores topics of content creation, digital nativity, and influencer culture under the lens of newly emerging AI solutions. What effects does the technology have on these practices, for example? How will AI shape the future of the generation as they “explore, define, and create a new era for society?”

Gen Z in Action: Influencer Culture & AI

The evolving power of creativity

Wondershare Filmora Gen Z in Action featured image
Wondershare Filmora

Wondershare’s VP, Christy, is excited about the project and explains why it’s such a pivotal moment for content creators and influencers everywhere. “We believe in the power of creativity and the importance of providing creative tools to the voices of the next generation.”

Bringing out those voices is a huge motivator for the Wondershare team. “[This documentary] not only highlights the incredible talents and innovations of Gen Z creators but also challenges the misconceptions often associated with them.”

In particular, it gives everyone a glimpse into their lives, creative processes, and experiences “to share their stories and inspire others to see the potential and drive that this generation brings to the AI era.”

Naturally, Wondershare has also launched a white paper with the same title, “Gen Z in Action,” put together based on a survey of nearly 1,000 Gen Z individuals. It delves even further into their world, with the same goals and ideals — emphasizing Gen Z’s creativity, diligence, and passion for digital technologies.

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Celebrating Gen Z and modern influencer culture

Gabby Fearfiction influencer from Wondershare's Gen Z in Action
Wondershare Filmora

You’ll have to read the white paper and watch the documentary to learn everything there is to know about the generation, but there are certainly some unique findings. For instance:

  • While traditional education remains important to Gen Z, they place a higher priority on practical skills and entrepreneurial ventures, and for good reason.
  • They have an overwhelming proficiency in creative software skills and digital fluency, such as Office Suite experiences, video editing, social media, and beyond.
  • Gen Z prioritizes investments that enhance their education and skill sets.
  • They have a strong passion for content creation, and why wouldn’t they? Content creation is everywhere these days.
  • Gen Z tends to trust creators and influencers, valuing their recommendations delivered through live streams, live content, and pre-recorded content.
  • Above all, Gen Z has quickly adapted to the new world of AI-focused support, using it as a tool to boost productivity and creativity for all things content creation, communication, and data analysis.

Gen Z in Action deconstructed

In celebration of VidCon’s 15th Anniversary and 19 years of YouTube content creation, Wondershare’s documentary Gen Z in Action explores the lives of some of today’s most influential content creators. It features interviews with nearly a dozen Gen Z creators in various disciplines, such as photography, cosplay, and music.

Some of the highlighted creators include cosplayer Fearfiction (Gabby), Mathew V Music, and Maxwell Grover, an emerging photographer.

It’s more of a candid look at Gen Z’s common and widespread digital nativity, including how they navigate today’s landscape and leverage their experiences and skills to really make a difference in modern society.

It’s interesting, to say the least. Why not check it out for yourself?

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