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Facebook Photos

mark zuckerberg speaking in front of giant digital lock

Now that you can easily transfer photos out of Facebook, will you stay?

Facebook on December 2 announced a new data portability feature that will begin rolling out in Ireland before spreading elsewhere: The ability to transport your Facebook photos from Facebook to other platforms. Does this portend a new exodus from the social media platform? Office 365

Microsoft’s Outlook now lets you attach Google Drive files and Facebook photos

federal judge allows facial recognition lawsuit against facebook photo magic

Facebook loses first stage of privacy lawsuit over photo-tagging feature

comes photo uploads snapchat facebook beat 1

Snapchat users share 400 million images a day, as the app surpasses Facebook photo uploads

Facebook reveals we upload a whopping 350 million photos to the network daily

your facebook smile can predict happiness years down the line photo main

Turns out your smiley Facebook friends really are happier than you

A 2012 article proposed a smarter version of Facebook Shared Albums

facebook debuts shared photo albums via mashable

Facebook brings friend-sourcing to photos with new Shared Photo Albums


Likebook takes your Facebook Timeline and turns it into a real book

man ignoring child support busted with facebook photo christopher robinson pose

Man ignoring child support payments busted due to Facebook photo

Facebook will start giving your old, unpopular photos less attention

Facebook browsing

Nearly 80 percent of people can’t last 24 hours without checking Facebook