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RIAA says YouTube isn’t willing to make a ‘real negotiation’ for higher music royalties

Major labels are set to renegotiate contracts with YouTube this year, and many industry voices hope labels will get a better deal, but don't expect them to.
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Vinyl made more money than every free on-demand streaming service in 2015

A woman wearing headphones looks at a smartphone while listening to music on a sofa.

RIAA reports streaming music sales finally beat downloads, no thanks to free loaders

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RIAA starts counting streams towards album certifications, 17 albums go gold or platinum

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Thriller goes triple diamond, becomes first record to sell 30M copies stateside

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The Grooveshark saga comes to a close as RIAA wins lawsuit against clone operator

Computer Music

Music industry sues so-called Popcorn Time for music, Aurous, days after launch

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Streaming services generated a third of all music revenue in first half of 2015

New Music Friday

Why the end of New Music Tuesday signals the true death of the CD

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Queen of the single: Rihanna is the first artist to pass 100M sold and streamed


Grooveshark is back, and just as illegal as ever (Update)

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RIAA points to a ‘staggering transformation’ as streaming services finally eclipse CD sales

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RIAA escalates piracy witchhunt, points its pitchfork at domain registrars

The RIAA's latest battle in their pursuit of stopping music piracy is against an unlikely target: the companies that offer domain name services.
mpaa wants anti piracy lessons taught elementary school kids girl on computer

MPAA, RIAA want anti-piracy lessons taught to elementary school kids

Jay-Z’s Samsung ‘exclusive’ album hacked onto HTC device

Jay-Z's new album, Magna Carter Holy Grail, which was supposed to made available to Samsung Galaxy users three days before its release, made its way onto an HTC device.
Internet enemies

The open Internet’s five deadliest enemies


Illegal file sharing isn’t ‘stealing’: Here’s why

six strikes and youre screwed what the upcoming piracy crackdown means for you  re main

Six strikes and you’re screwed: What the upcoming piracy crackdown means for you

Illegal Downloading

$675,000 file sharing verdict reinstated by appeals court

RIAA logo tilt

Judge reduces Jammie Thomas’ file-sharing penalty to $54,000

Illegal Downloading

Internet providers create six-strike policy to combat piracy

Is sharing your Netflix password like stealing cable?


‘Hurt Locker’ lawsuit targets record-breaking 24,583 BitTorrent users

LimeWire to pay $105 million for assisting ‘massive’ copyright infringement

Judge Reduces $675K Fine to $67,500 in File Sharing Case

Australian Court Finds ISP Not Responsible for Users’ Illegal Downloads

music movie and software piracy whats your chance of getting caught thumbnail

Music, Movie and Software Piracy: What’s Your Chance of Getting Caught?

Jammie Thomas and The RIAA Go Back to Court

Picking the Perfect Notebook

RIAA To Stop Mass Lawsuits, Work with ISPs

RIAA File Sharing Verdict Thrown Out

Woman Beats RIAA Lawsuit

No Such Thing as a Legal MP3?

Oregon Questions RIAA Legal Tactics