The 38-year back catalog of NBC's Saturday Night Live will have a new home now that Yahoo's bought up the rights for everything bar the current season.
T-Mobile's "No Contract" plan had some unadvertised charges, so Washington state's attorney general is demanding the carrier refund customers affected.
Three people are in custody in India following the attempted sale of a kidnapped baby on Facebook, with one of the three being the child's own grandfather.
Looking for a family bonding activity to bring your brood together? Why not try designing military hardware? It brought one trio a whole million dollars.
The future of the war between Autobots and Decepticons is in your hands. Hasbro is launching an online poll for fans to help create the newest Transformer.
After its official debut last week, Daft Punk's comeback track went on to break records in both the United States and United Kingdom - at least via Spotify.
Beware, those who like to complain about your job on social media. A woman is facing a lawsuit after a Twitter rant about a job that wasn't going her way.
According to a 2009 handbook, the Internal Revenue Service believed that Americans didn't have "reasonable expectation of privacy" when it came to emails.
Kama Sutra is confusing enough as it is, and now the Kama Xcitra is here to help illustrate various sexual positions with the help of augmented reality.
Zynga's bringing mobile app "Draw Something" to television across the Atlantic: Broadcast network Channel 4 has announced the launch of a game show version.
Google Earth is just a front for Western intelligence agencies to gather data about foreign powers - which is why Iran is building its own alternative.
After allegations that Apple banned a comic book due to scenes depicting gay sex, publisher ComiXology reversed the ban thanks to a huge misunderstanding.
Those that live by the sword, die by the sword. Those that write spiteful emails to websites should find their fates decided by those who read said emails.