A judge ruled that IP addresses aren't people and denied a Canadian porn company subpoenas for personal information in a copyright infringement lawsuit.
Fraudulent copyright infringement reports are running rampant. Several popular tech blogs have recently had their Facebook pages disabled due to DMCA abuse.
The FBI has sent out a fraud alert over recent trend of unauthorized wire transfers to China. Small- to medium-sized business in the U.S. are typical victims.
Twitter to stay in San Francisco thanks to SF's tax break decision for the micro-blogging service and other companies. Their presence may revitalize the Central Market area with new jobs.
Best Buy is shrinking it's box stores and cutting costs in order to prepare itself for aggressive growth in multiple avenues over the next three to five years.
The recent April 13 reported attack is the latest high-profile website attack in a long line of similar security breaches, and it could threaten a number of high-profile sites.