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Latest by J. Van Camp

EA thinks Facebook and PC games are the future

Xbox Kinect sales reach 10 million, earns Guinness World Record

Scientists recover 16,000 Ice Age fossils in Los Angeles

Zite hopes to be the Pandora of iPad magazines

Hollywood in a bidding war over Voltron movie

five reasons netflix may end up as a bargain bin streaming service thumb

Five reasons Netflix may become the bargain bin of streaming services

eight windows 8 features that could save microsoft thumb

Eight Windows 8 features that could save Microsoft

63 percent of Web videos no longer require Flash

U.S. Navy to ignite the robot apocalypse

Angry Birds to surpass 100 million downloads

japanese scientists develop phone that feels like human skin thumb

Japanese scientists develop human-shaped phone that feels like real skin

apple ipad 2 vs motorola xoom thumb

Apple iPad 2 vs. Motorola Xoom

BlackBerry PlayBook coming April 10?

Burger Time remake coming to all major consoles

Nintendo developing new 3D Mario, adding Netflix to 3DS

Apple reveals iMovie and Garage Band for iPad 2

Jobs unveils iPad 2: thinner than iPhone 4, comes in white

verizon unlimited data no more prepare to pay for less guy thumb

Verizon unlimited data no more: Prepare to pay more for less

Google revives Cult of Mac from search death, others coming?

googles content farm crackdown causes collateral damage google thumb

Google’s content farm crackdown causes collateral damage

Valve announces ‘big picture’ TV mode for Steam

Illinois man scammed out of $200,000 by fake online girlfriend

Gmail will be restored for everyone very soon, says Google

best buys genius gimmick buy back trade in program is a total ripoff bb thumb

Best Buy’s genius gimmick: Buy Back trade-in program is a total ripoff

Facebook ends relationship with Breakup Notifier app

ChaCha sues HTC over its new ChaCha phone

Xoom Corp sues Motorola over Xoom tablet

Angry Birds outflown by Tiny Wings

Apple achieves most product placement of any brand in the last 10 yrs

Study: mobile social games attract young, college-educated women

First Windows Phone update bricks Samsung phones is the most expensive domain in the world

Nintendo 3DS to launch with 18 games

Apple holds secret MacBook meeting, employees sign NDAs