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Latest by Lulu Chang

kids science advisors screen shot 2016 05 22 at 1 28 06 pm

Obama wants your children’s opinions in the new Kids Science Advisors program

Called the "Kids Science Advisors," the purpose of Obama's new committee is to encourage young scientists to share ideas about the future of science.
machine learning v for victory terrorist identification sign

Microsoft takes a stance against terrorism on its consumer services

In a blog post published Friday, Microsoft unveiled a series of new policies designed to combat "terrorist content" across its consumer services.
ebay search browse improvement

eBay wants you to spend more money with its new search and browse experiences

eBay launched a series of new browsing modules and search features meant to help shoppers better discover the right products for their needs.
top tech stories 05 22 2016 tokyo meteor shower

Weekly Rewind: A weight loss vest, manmade meteors, and a physical Amazon store

In the tech world, a lot happens in a week. So much news goes on that it's almost impossible for mere mortals with real lives to keep track of everything.
Twitter Founder

Jack Dorsey seeking permission to give 7 million shares to his employees

Twitter exec Jack Dorsey is asking shareholders to give the green light to a plan that would allow him to give 7 million shares to his employees.
hiv cure dna double helix

Scientists managed to “cut out” HIV virus from rats

A group of researchers at the Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University have managed to "cut out" HIV-1 genes from mice and rat genomes.
flowstate ios app frustration stress and writers block

Use your breath to track your stress levels with Zenytime

Zenytime is a technology company on a mission to help people reduce stress and feel better using naught but their breath.
trustpilot complaint survey 10366376 ml

Trustpilot survey shows us how much we like to complain

Trustpilot has released results from a survey examining the top methods of complaining when a consumer has had an unsatisfactory business experience.
virginia law allows robots screen shot 2016 05 21 at 12 37 pm

Starship has almost fully autonomous robots delivering pizza

Domino's may have had the idea first, but now, there's another pizza-delivering robot roaming the streets -- this time in Tallinn, Estonia.
cycli under desk cycle screen shot 2016 05 21 at 4 40 42 pm

Cycli is an under-desk cycle that lets you compete with your colleagues

We're getting ever more creative with our fitness fads, and the latest comes from Cycli, the world’s first Bluetooth-enabled portable cycle.
Handpick food porn

One Medical and Michelle Obama’s PHA have a new app to fight obesity

One Medical and Michelle Obama's PHA is trying to fight obesity by way of a free digital nutrition coaching to low income families.
comp a tent brainchild 06 aacnee

This woman invented a fully compostable tent for music festivals and beyond

Comp-A-Tent may be the world's first fully compostable temporary shelter. It becomes carbon dioxide, water, and soil after 120 days in a composting facility
bionic skin screen shot 2016 05 21 at 10 49 00 am

A bionic skin could soon be a widespread reality

Takao Someya, a scientist at the University of Tokyo, has created a bionic skin, or an e-skin, that could revolutionize the field of medicine.
robot builds own home screen shot 2016 05 20 at 9 54 27 pm

This video shows a robot building its very own home

We have our first glimpse into what it looks like when a robot envisions a home for itself, and proceeds to construct it.
ebay myer vr retail screen shot 2016 05 20 at 8 12 pm

You can now go shopping inside a virtual reality department store

Say hello to what eBay and Australian retailer Myer are calling the world's first virtual reality department store.
wayv adventurer microwave screen shot 2016 05 20 at 4 11 06 pm

This isn't a thermos — it's a portable microwave called the Adventurer

Meet the Adventurer from UK company Wayv, which claims to be "the world's first portable solid-state RF food heater 'microwave.'"
chime chai screen shot 2016 05 20 at 3 41 19 pm

Brew your perfect cup of chai with Chime

Effectively a Keurig for chai, the Chime combines whole tea and spices in a brewing chamber to steep while milk simmers below.
indiegogo arrow electronics

Indiegogo and Arrow Electronics partner to bring entrepreneur dreams to market

A new partnership between Indiegogo and Arrow Electronics hopes to make it easier still for entrepreneurs to bring their ideas to life.
uber rider driver ratings

Safety measure: A former chief of Secret Service just joined Uber advisory board

Former U.S. Secret Service director Mark Sullivan is the latest big shot to join Uber's board
why frustrated users are finally fleeing netflix vpn

EU seeking a quota on European content on streaming services

The EU could soon allow consumers to access their subscriptions to streaming services like Netflix while they're making their way across the continent.
nextdoor racial profiling iphone newsfeed 2016

Nextdoor is trying to tamp down racial profiling on its site with new protocols

Nextdoor is trying to address racial profiling by creating new forms on its site.
iPhone SE

Best app deals of the day! 6 paid iPhone apps for free for a limited time

Everyone likes free apps, but the best ones often cost money. Here are the latest and greatest apps on sale in the iOS App Store for a limited time only.
tokyo man made meteor shower comet

Want an impressive opening ceremony? 2020 Olympics may include man-made meteor shower

A startup called Star-ALE is bidding for the right to create a meteor shower over the Japanese capital city of Tokyo at the 2020 Olympics.
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High-tech MTA buses with Wi-Fi are now rolling around New York City

On Tuesday, the New York MTA debuted its new line of tech-forward buses, featuring Wi-Fi and USB ports.
iPhone SE

Best app deals of the day! 6 paid iPhone apps free for a limited time

Everyone likes free apps, but the best ones often cost money. Here are the latest and greatest apps on sale in the iOS App Store for a limited time only.
snapchat white wash flower crown filter

Snapchat accused of whitewashing its users through ‘beautify’ filter

Snapchat, it seems, is having a bit of trouble when it comes to racial sensitivity. Its Bob Marley blackface feature and alleged skin-lightening filter have drawn criticism.
box bottle opener screen shot 2016 05 18 at 1 26 00 pm

This bottle opener will text your friends every time you crack open a tasty beverage

You can always be a good friend with BOx, the smart bottle opener that notifies your friends every time you crack open a cold one.
amazon brick and mortar books 001

A brick-and-mortar Amazon store may be coming to a city near you

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has promised shareholders to bring more of Amazon offline and into the physical sphere.
lazertouch touch screen projector shot 2016 05 16 at 1 40 31 pm

Lazertouch is a projector that lets you turn any surface into a touchscreen

Lazertouch is the world's first mini projector that transforms any surface into a finger-activated touchscreen.
Amazon Prime Day

Amazon launches its restaurant service in New York City and Dallas, Texas

Amazon Prime has gotten into the food game, now officially offering free delivery from over 350 restaurants across Manhattan by way of its Prime Now service
proofpilot hero image

Proofpilot wants to help you design, launch, and manage research studies

A new secure online platform called Proofpilot is allowing study participants to browse research studies, contribute to research, and more.
iPhone SE

Best app deals of the day! 6 paid iPhone apps for free for a limited time

Everyone likes free apps, but the best ones often cost money. Here are the latest and greatest apps on sale in the iOS App Store for a limited time only.
silvon anti bacterial pillowcase screen shot 2016 05 17 at 3 56 45 pm

Bacteria beware: Pure silver helps make Silvon pillowcase resistant

Powered by pure natural silver, the new pillowcase Silvon purports to permanently prevent the growth of unwanted bacteria.
iPhone SE

Best app deals of the day! 6 paid iPhone apps for free for a limited time

Everyone likes free apps, but the best ones often cost money. Here are the latest and greatest apps on sale in the iOS App Store for a limited time only.