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Latest by Luke Dormehl

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Stanford researchers create algorithm that makes wind turbines more efficient

Could an algorithm make wind turbines more productive? It may sound crazy, but the answer is a resounding yes. Researchers at Stanford University recently used a proprietary optimization algorithm to model the most efficient yaw angle for turbines. Here's what they found.
mit and ibm paint with neurons photo manipulation

MIT and IBM’s new A.I. image-editing tool lets you paint with neurons

Imagine Photoshop for the deep fake generation. No, we're not quite there yet, but researchers at IBM and MIT have created an amazing demo showing how cutting-edge A.I. is going to power future image-editing tools. Check out their demonstration -- and have a go for yourself.
stanford smart glasses reading monitor with

Smartglasses use eye-tracking to make sure whatever you look at is in focus

Researchers at Stanford have developed a pair of experimental smartglasses which could be used to treat a variety of vision defects -- using depth-sensing cameras and eye-tracking technology to make sure whatever you look at remains in perfect focus. Here's how they work.
3d printed hand rock paper scissors m2 robot

Thought-controlled robotic hand can play games of rock-paper-scissors

Researchers at Japan’s Hiroshima University have developed a robotic prosthetic hand, controllable using only a wearer’s thoughts. The low-cost 3D-printed creation can perform a wide variety of hand gestures, and even engage in a game of rock-paper-scissors. Check it out.
Ikea Test Kitchen's Bug Burger

Grub’s up? Lab-grown insect meat could be the future of food production

Would you switch to eating a lab-grown insect flesh diet for the good of our planet? As far as future foodstuffs are concerned, it’s not out of the question. At least, that's what a team of researchers from Tufts University believe. And they're far from alone in their conclusions.
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Harvard’s tiny, insect-inspired RoboBee X-Wing can fly using solar power

Harvard University’s Wyss Institute's new RoboBee X-Wing is an impressive solar-powered winged flying robot that stands just 6.5 centimeters high, weighs only 259 milligrams, and can fly completely untethered. Check out it this minuscule flying milestone in aerial action.
artificial muscle glucose oxygen muscular arm lifts weight

This artificial muscle is powered just like the real thing, no battery required

Researchers from Germany’s Linköping University have developed an artificial muscle that's powered by glucose and oxygen, just like real biological muscles in the human body. That means, significantly, that no batteries are required for it to function. Here's how it could be used.
crawler robot drones wind turbines blade

Crawler robots and imaging drones will monitor wind turbine blades for damage

By spotting signs of damage early, wind turbine blades can be kept in service for longer. To assist with this task, researchers at Sandia National Laboratories have developed special blade-crawling robots and flying inspection drones. Here's how they could be used to help.
netflix ai kissing scenes movies closeup

A Netflix data scientist taught an A.I. to recognize smooching scenes in movies

A senior data scientist at Netflix has taught an A.I. to recognize kissing scenes in movies. Amir Ziai developed the tool as part of his work to obtain an A.I. graduate certificate from Stanford University. Here's why it turns out to be a surprisingly difficult task to automate.
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Marsy McMarsface? NASA gives students the chance to name its next Mars rover

Could there be a bigger brag than the fact that you named the next Mars rover? That’s exactly what NASA is promising K-12 students in the U.S. by launching a new contest that will allow some lucky kid to be the one to name one of humanity’s greatest technological achievements to date.
guinness record basketball robot toyota

Swish! Toyota’s basketball bot earns a Guinness record with 2,020 perfect throws

After years of trial and error, a humanoid robot built by Toyota (yes, the car company!) set a Guinness World Record for its impressive basketball shooting abilities. The robot, known as CUE3, earner its record by sinking 2,020 free throws in a row, without ever missing a shot.
self assembling micro robot tiny car screen shot 2019 06 25 at 17 24 20

Self-assembling microrobots can be programmed to form a tiny steerable car

Researchers at Germany’s Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems have developed a new type of self-assembling mobile micromachine that can be programmed to assemble into different formations -- ranging from a tiny car to a miniature rocket. Here's what's next for the project.
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U.S. Navy is working on making its fleet invisible to computerized surveillance

The United States Navy’s ever-innovative Office of Naval Research is working on a way to turn the nation's military fleet invisible. Well, to cutting-edge image-recognition systems, at least. Here's what it has planned -- and how far along it is with these high-tech plans.
The Asteroid Mining Corporation

The U.K.’s biggest (and only) asteroid mining company has designs on our skies

The Asteroid Mining Corporation, the U.K.'s only company dedicated to the dream of mining resources from asteroids in space, plans to launch a prospecting satellite in 2021. Is its founder going to be among the first people to strike gold in space, or is it a doomed venture?
space farming hormone astronaut on his knees

Want to work in the stars? Here are six future space jobs you could hold

Ever dreamed of leaving Earth to find employment amongst the stars? Want to know what some of these far-flung space roles might entail? Here are six future jobs that might sound like science fiction now, but almost certainly won’t a decade or two from now.
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Hormone boosts could help astronauts from losing muscle on long space journeys

Space travel isn't exactly easy on the human body. New research highlights how reduced gravity conditions during space flight missions can cause extreme muscle loss. But while that sounds pretty bad, researchers may have found a solution in the form of special hormone treatments.
blue origin be 7 test firing be7 fire

Blue Origin test fires the engine that could help it land on the moon

Jeff Bezos’ aerospace company Blue Origin has carried out a test firing of its BE-7 engine, the propulsion system which it hopes will help humankind land on the moon for the first time since 1972. Check out a video showing the impressive test firing, which took place this week.
snail inspired super glue on a wet leaf

New snail-inspired super glue can switch between sticky and non-sticky states

Developed by an international team of researchers, this snail mucus-inspired super glue can switch between adhesive and non-adhesive states. You know, like a snail being able to grip onto a surface while moving. Here's why the new glue-like material could prove so useful.
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Cornell’s lionfish-inspired robot uses artificial blood to stay powered up

Cornell University has developed a swimming robot, modeled on the lionfish, which uses a circulating liquid electrolyte likened by its creators to a kind of robot blood. This allows it to store up energy for use powering itself during long-duration tasks. Here's why that matters.
Smart Speaker Detecting Agonal breathing

A cardiac arrest-detecting smart speaker could save your life

Smart speakers are great for everything from playing music to operate our smart homes. But could they soon also help save lives as well? An innovative research project from the University of Washington could help smart speakers detect cardiac arrest while you sleep.
best audiobook apps audiobooks for free

This humanlike synthesized speech could be the future of audiobooks

You probably wouldn't want Siri or Alexa reading you an entire audiobook. But a new startup called DeepZen has developed a text-to-speech A.I. that sounds impressively human when it talks. It can even pick up on necessary emotional cues in text and voice them correctly.
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A tiny magnet accomplishes enormous feat, sets a new world record

A magnet housed at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory in Tallahassee, Florida, has set a record for the strongest continuous DC magnetic field ever recorded with a 45.5-tesla rating. Here's what that means in everyday terms -- and what makes it such a useful discovery.
google calendar is down

Google Calendar is back online. Here’s the latest on the outage

Google Calendar came back online after being down for several hours Tuesday morning, leaving millions of users without their daily agenda. The service came back online around 10:30 a.m. PT, according to Google.
vr alzheimers experience elderly hands

Live long and prosper? Experimental compound could slow down the aging process

Want to extend your natural lifespan beyond its current limits? While the fountain of youth remains out of reach, researchers EPFL and the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics have discovered a metabolite of biomolecules which could help slow the aging process. Here's how.
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This crazy-looking robot uses microspines on its legs to climb up walls

Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University have built a bioinspired robot called T-RHex, which uses microspines on its feet to grip onto rough surfaces. This allows it to climb up very steep gradients in a way that very few robots have previously been able to do. Check it out.
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This drone with hands looks like a nightmare straight out of Black Mirror

This unlikely drone-with-hands creation is the work of Federico Ciccarese, the brains behind YouBionic, a bionic hand project that has evolved far beyond its original remit of offering a pair of 3D-printable robot hands. Check it out in all its slightly unnerving glory.
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This lifesaving wearable could diagnose strokes more accurately

Researchers from the Army Medical University and China Academy of Engineering Physics have developed a new wearable device that uses two different light measurement techniques to track the body's blood circulation -- and accurately predict deadly strokes in the process.
Aerial Solar Image

A giant new solar farm in Texas will harness the sun’s rays to … brew beer?

Brewing beer is surprisingly energy intensive. To help make alcohol production a bit more eco-friendly, the world’s largest beer manufacturer is behind efforts to build a new solar farm in Texas. In doing so, it promises to brew 100% of its beverages using renewable energy.

Custom 3D-printed heads let doctors practice delicate brain procedures

The highly skilled radiotherapists who operate to remove brain tumors could still benefit from being able to practice on specific patients ahead of time. That's where a new 3D-printed head, created using a patient's actual CT scans, comes into play. Here's how it works.
diplodocus skeleton auction june 2019  tete fond noir

Want your very own genuine Diplodocus skeleton? It’ll cost you

Have you ever dreamed of owning your very own dinosaur? This could be your lucky day, because a genuine bona fide dino skeleton, described as a cousin of the Diplodocus family, is now up for auction. But you'd better be ready to spend some big bucks to get your hands on it!
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Hypnotic spinning top throws out crazy optical illusions as it rotates

Remember that never-ending spinning top in the movie Inception? Mozmocoin is a new kind of spinner which not only promises to spin for well over 10 minutes at a time, but to also throw out some mind-bending optical illusions while it’s rotating. Here's how you can get one.
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A medical superglue alternative is made from Chinese giant salamander goo

Forget medical superglue! Harvard medical researchers have discovered a special natural adhesive that's able to seal up wounds effectively, made from goo that's excreted from the skin of Chinese giant salamanders. Here's why it could prove to be a very promising alternative.
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Mars lander simulator lets you take Opportunity rover for one last spin

It was a sad moment earlier this year when NASA officially called it quits on its 15-year-old, record-setting Mars rover Opportunity. Thankfully, a new update for a Mars rover simulator lets you take the deceased Opportunity for one more ride around the Martian landscape.
A robot waiter | Jobs, robots, and automation

Top Oxford researcher talks the risk of automation on employment

The threat of robots and A.I. stealing jobs is hotly debated. In a new book, titled The Technology Trap: Capital, Labor, and Power in the Age of Automation, Oxford professor Dr. Carl Benedikt Frey sorts the truth from the fiction. Dr. Frey spoke with Digital Trends about his findings.