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Latest by Luke Dormehl

Asteroid Mining

Asteroid mining is almost reality. What to know about the gold rush in space

Mining resources from asteroids may sound like the stuff of science fiction, but it could be well on its way to becoming science fact. What will be mined? Why do we want this? And who are the big names to watch out for? Check out our beginner's guide to all things space rock-drilling.
robots peer pressure study

Robots can peer pressure kids, but don’t think for a second that we’re immune

In a recent experiment, researchers from Germany and the U.K. demonstrated how kids can succumb to peer pressure from robots, even when this means denying facts which are patently obvious. But don't think for a second that grown adults are immune to similar effects. Here's why.
3 degree of freedom motion simulator feel three  2

This cockpit-style simulator will make your VR experiences more immersive

Are you a VR fan, who wishes the whole virtual reality experience could be made even more immersive? Do you want a cockpit-style gaming chair that looks like something a Star Trek captain would sit in? If so, this new '3 Degree of Freedom Motion Simulator' may be for you.
university of essex strawberry picking robot dsc 0176 new

Strawberry-picking robots could replace human workers in the field

Robotics experts at the University of Essex in the U.K. have teamed up with a British jelly manufacturer to build robots that could replace human workers as strawberry-pickers on farms. Here's why that's necessary -- and why this is a surprisingly tough task for robots.
university illinois noise cancelling setup system

New tech blocks noise disruption faster than the speed of sound

Looking for the ultimate noise-canceling setup? Researchers from the University of Illinois' Coordinated Science Laboratory have developed a smart wireless network which identifies disruptive noise and cancels it out faster than the speed of sound. Here's how it works.
tech projects

CERN scientists have witnessed the decay of the Higgs boson particle

Six years after discovering the Higgs boson particle, scientists at CERN have witnessed it decaying into bottom quarks for the first time, demonstrating what is thought to be the most common way for the particle to decay. Here's why that's such a major particle physics milestone.
lg suitbot lifestyle

LG’s SuitBot wearable exosuit will give workers the extra strength they need

South Korean tech giant LG has designed a new lower body robotic exosuit called SuitBot, intended to enhance users' leg movements to aid with activities such as warehouse workers lifting heavy objects. It is set to make its debut at IFA 2018 later this week. Here's what we know so far.
parkinsons clues way someone types older woman typing

Your keyboard could predict if you have early-onset Parkinson’s disease

Early diagnosis is important for Parkinson's disease. Researchers from Australia's Charles Sturt University have come up with a new way to achieve this: Using the subtle clues in the way a person types to seek out possible early signs of the neurodegenerative brain disorder.
biomimicry robots ihmc robotics

Spirit animals: 9 revolutionary robots inspired by real-world creatures

When it comes to solving complex problems in the real world, today's top builders of robots often draw on Mother Nature for inspiration. Here are nine great examples.
engineers compact 5d imaging system measurement setup1

Engineers build new camera capable of taking pictures in five dimensions

Engineers from Germany have developed a new compact imaging system that’s capable of recording hyperspectral images in a massive five dimensions. the breakthrough opens up exciting possibilities for security, medical imaging -- and even future grocery shopping. Here's how it works.
3d print collaborative robot arms nanyangrobotsprint

Want a peek into the future? Watch these robots 3D print concrete structures

How do you 3D print a large object without having an even larger 3D printer at your disposal? Researchers from Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University have come up with a way -- and like all the most exciting tech solutions, it involves a pair of robot arms. Check it out.
ai hearing aid translates languages monitors falls aids

Next-gen A.I. hearing aid can translate languages, track fitness, monitor falls

A new hearing aid from Starkey Hearing Technologies uses built-in sensors and some smart A.I. technology to not only automatically translate between 27 different languages, but also track wearers' physical and mental well-being. Very soon, it will be able to detect falls as well.
weirdest robots ever feat 1

Born to hug: 6 of the weirdest, most outlandish robots humanity has ever created

Whether it’s carrying out search and rescue missions or performing life-saving surgery, there are some astonishing robots in existence which promise to change the world as we know it. But there are also a whole lot of weird robotics projects, too. Here are six of the strangest.
nopixgo mosquito wearable thunderstorm ibp1804

Who needs bug spray? Wristband scares off mosquitoes by mimicking a thunderstorm

Are you looking for a smart way to scare off mosquitoes? The Nopixgo wristband emits weak electromagnetic signals that trick mosquitoes into thinking a storm is brewing and that they should go and hide. Here's how your can get your hands on one before you suffer more bites.
worcester polytechnic lionfish robot underwaterrobot1

This underwater robot could soon autonomously hunt predatory lionfish

The rapid spread of lionfish poses a massive problem in places like the Florida coast. Students at Worcester Polytechnic Institute are working to develop an underwater robot that's capable of autonomously hunting and harvesting these creatures. Here's why that's so important.
uc berkeley deepfake ai dance screen shot 2018 08 28 at 17 06 02

Two left feet? No problem. This A.I. can turn anyone into a dancer

Are you a terrible dancer who dreams of one day starring in a toe-tapping music video that would have made Michael Jackson jealous? Thanks to research from University of California, Berkeley, your dream may be about to come true. Check out their amazing creation in action.
christie's auction house obvious art ai

As Christie’s auctions its first A.I. painting, the meaning of ‘art’ gets blurrier

In October this year, a painting generated by artificial intelligence will be put up for auction by renowned auction house Christie's. Here's why that's actually a major milestone for A.I. -- and its ability to be creative. Get ready to welcome our new robot painter overlords.

UV-tracking ‘tattoo’ will tell you when to get out of the sun

Now available to order on Kickstarter, LogicInk's temporary tattoo-style device gathers information about your UV exposure, and provides you with at-a-glance information concerning whether or not you’ve had enough sun for the day. And that's just the start of the company's plans.
mit converts sonar into radar submarine airplanes gettyimages 93716573

MIT invents a way to allow submerged submarines to speak to airplanes

Did you know that it's incredibly difficult for submerged submarines to communicate with airplanes? Perhaps not for long, thanks to some innovative MIT research which seamlessly converts sonar into radar. Here's how the technology works -- and why it's potentially so useful.
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A nanofiber cloth could pull fresh drinking water straight from the air

Imagine if it was possible for people in drought-stricken parts of the world to literally pull fresh drinking water from the air. Researchers at the University of Akron have been working on a special nanofiber cloth material that can do exactly that. Here's what it's capable of.
mobius backpack kickstarter x3a9871

31 plastic bottles and some algae is practically all this backpack is made from

Mobius is a multi-unctional backpack with a sustainable twist: Not only is it made almost entirely out of upcycled materials, but its creators will also plant 10 trees for every unit that’s sold. Now you can look stylish and feel good about saving the planet at the same time.
new way 3d printing graphene printed

There’s a new way to 3D print graphene, the strongest material on Earth

Researchers from Virginia Tech and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory have come up with a new way to 3D print super material graphene -- that allows for more intricate, detailed objects to be created. Here's why that is so exciting for realizing graphene's potential.
ibm 360 immersive language learning ariel shot translation

IBM’s Holodeck-style classroom tech makes language-learning apps look primitive

IBM Research and New York’s Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have teamed up to create a high tech and immersive way to learn a new language. With 360-degree screens and cutting-edge artificial intelligence, it totally reminds us of the Vulcan school from 2009's Star Trek.
fusion robot packpack

Meet Fusion: A helpful robotic ‘parasite’ that lives on your back

Have you ever wanted a pair of extra limbs? Researchers at Japan’s Keio University have built Fusion: a robot backpack which allows another person to control a pair of robotic arms on your body, for carrying out a wide variety of tasks. Here's why it could prove so exciting.
magnesite counter climate change natural 4 microns wide with platy hydromagnesite

This CO2-sucking rock takes eons to form naturally. Now we can grow it in weeks

Could a lab-grown mineral help fight back against climate change? That’s what a new Canadian research project suggests. Scientists have found a way to reduce the growth of magnesite from thousands of years to just 72 days. Next stop: helping reverse climate change, we hope.
planetary resources asteroid mining

Want a future-proof degree? Head to Colorado for asteroid mining

Are you an engineering grad, economist, physicist, or policy analyst looking to become an expert in an exciting new discipline? If so, the Colorado School of Mines has the perfect answer for you: You should take up space mining. And they have the perfect course to help.
solutions for sleep problems pillow

Forget nausea and sweating — a side effect of this drug is lucid dreaming

Ever fancied controlling your dreams? Of course you have. Researchers from the University of Wisconsin-Madison may be able to help, too -- courtesy of an anti-Alzheimer’s drug which is effective for triggering lucid dreaming. It even works for people who have never had a lucid dream.
Everything you need to know about Neuralink

This is an artificial brain. This is an artificial brain on meth

What would be the first thing you’d do with an artificial brain? If you’re a researcher at Harvard’s Wyss Institute, the answer is simple: You dose it with meth. Here's what they found out-- and how the innovative organ-on-a-chip research revealed previously unknown details about the brain.
icarus project migration space 2019 zebra

ICARUS project aims to track migration of 100,000 animals — from space

Imagine if we were able to track the movement of animals all over the planet using thousands of tiny smart transmitters, with the data being crunched aboard the International Space Station, before being sent back to scientists on Earth. Welcome to the the world of the ICARUS project.
tokyo 2020 olympics facial recognition

Scarily realistic ‘deep video portraits’ could take fake news to the next level

Researchers have developed a new deep learning A.I. system which is able to produce scarily realistic 'deep fake' videos -- right down to details like a person's eyebrows or eyes moving as they speak. Check it out in action, and get ready for the next face of fake news.

Cutting-edge paper-based battery is powered by electron-harvesting bacteria

Want to know what tomorrow's batteries could look like? Researchers from Binghamton University, State University of New York are busy developing a new type of paper-based battery, which is powered by electron-harvesting bacteria. Here's what they hope it will be used for.
droneshield dronegun

7 amazing anti-drone technologies designed to swat UAVs out of the sky

Whether it's delivering contraband to folks in prison, disrupting airports or taking pictures where they're not welcome, drones can be a major pain in the butt. Fortunately for those who think that way there's a growing number of smart anti-drone technologies. Here are 7 of the best.
lilium vtol personal jet aviation stadt takeoff

6 flying cars that you might actually be able to own (and fly) in your lifetime

Just like the way that cellphones used to be only for the rich, soon the idea of taking a personal flying machine to work is going to be a part of everyday life. Don't believe us? Here are six examples of personal flying cars and even a personal jetsuit that will help us commute.
seer robot super lifelike expressions screen shot 2018 08 17 at 20 45 40

Welcome to the uncanny valley: This robot head shows lifelike expressions

Created by Japanese artist Takayuki Todo, SEER is a robot head that is capable of recognizing the facial expressions of the people it interacts with and then mirroring their same expression back at them. Check it out in all its amazingly lifelike 'uncanny valley' glory.