HAMR-F is Harvard University's new cutting-edge, insect-inspired robot that's able to scamper along the ground at an impressive speed of a little under four times its own body lengths every second.
Using overhead ultraviolet lights to stop the spread of flu in its tracks? Yes, please -- and it's thanks to researchers at Columbia University Irving Medical Center.
Apple's Jony Ive doesn’t design scooters, but if he did we’re imagining they may well be along the lines of The Eagle, a forthcoming ultra-thin carbon fiber electric scooter coming in 2020.
It’s no big surprise that engineers and scientists working in cutting edge tech are often inspired by science fiction. Here are seven examples of sci-fi gadgets engineers helped bring to life.
We love writing about the latest advances in artificial intelligence, but, boy, does A.I. also have the potential to make for some great movie antagonists. Here are five of the best.
Move over, Google Home! Step aside, Amazon Echo! Mycroft Mark II is a new Kickstarter A.I. assistant that's not only open source, it'll keep your data private too.
Not every wearable device aims for the kind of mass market appeal of the Apple Watch. Here are nine of our favorite from the weirder end of the wearable spectrum.
Iceland is getting a data center dedicated to the mining of cryptocurrencies on an industrial scale. The twist? It will be powered exclusively using green energy.
Lava lamps haven’t been cool in decades, but entrepreneur Kyle Haines may have found a way to change that: by adding everyone’s favorite magnetized liquid rocket fuel, ferrofluid.
Roboticists at British Columbia’s Simon Fraser University have created a unique drone control system that involves piloting it by pulling a series of funny faces.
Talk about some brilliant opportunistic marketing! A vending machine in Minnesota is selling visiting Super Bowl fans hand-packed frozen snowballs for a buck each.
Faced with the problem of how to track pollution in the country’s reservoirs, engineers in Singapore came up with a unique solution: robot swans which take water quality measurements.
A new study coming out of University of Rochester Medical Centre suggests that cinnamon, vanilla and buttery flavors of e-cigarettes rank among the worst in terms of toxicity.
Bay Area maker Josh Tulberg has created this awesome ridiculously tiny electric mini boat, which he's selling as a DIY kit. If you can't afford a yacht, this is the next best thing.
Mathematicians in the U.K. have come up with a new technique for helping calculate the size and potential destructive force of a tsunami by measuring underwater sound waves.
Heard people talking about a Super Blue Blood Moon and wondering what all the fuss is about? Wonder no longer, thanks to our handy guide to the once-in-a-lifetime event coming soon to a sky near you.
University of Texas student Sean Riley recently used the magic of 3D printing to create a personalized six-string violin. And all for just $10 worth of printing filament!
Imagine if surgeons were able to see their patients’ internal anatomy on their bodies without having to cut into them. That’s the basis for an intriguing new augmented reality project.
Researchers at Penn State have used a research grant from NASA to develop technology for breaking down human waste and transforming it into astronaut food that’s hygienic and safe.
To prepare for an eventual trip to the Moon, Chinese volunteers have reportedly spent 200 continuous days living together in a special “lunar lab" to simulate conditions.
MIT CSAIL's ColorFab tech allows 3D-printed objects to change color, courtesy of special dyes that can be activated and deactivated when exposed to different wavelengths of light.
Carnegie Mellon University is teaching a new class, titled “A.I. for Social Good.” Is 2018 the year we all start using artificial intelligence to do good in the world?
Many construction projects go over time and budget. Doxel hopes to revolutionize the industry by using on-site robots and drones to make sure that work is progressing correctly.
The makers of smart GIF search engine Gfycat were shocked to find their cutting edge facial recognition tech couldn't distinguish between Asian actors. Here's what they did.
FitNeck Pro is a neck exercise device that’s designed to correct forward head posture and neck pain caused by our hunching over cell phones and laptops all day.
Scientists at Brigham Young University have found a way to create amazing 3D holograms in mid-air by using lasers and a tractor beam that manipulates near-invisible particles in the air.