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Latest by Luke Dormehl

papier machine kickstarter book total

The pages of this book have working circuits that teach you how electronics work

Papier Machine is a book that brings together six different electronic paper toys to help your kids better understand the world of electronics.
acoustic tractor beam levitate humans figure 2

The most powerful acoustic tractor beam could one day levitate humans

U.K. researchers have demonstrated that it is possible to use an acoustic tractor beam to successfully levitate larger objects than has previously been possible.
uc san diego self folding robot swarm foldedrobot

This tiny, self-folding robot could one day be part of a large ant-like swarm

Researchers at UC San Diego have developed a centimeter-scale self-folding robot that can assemble itself and then shimmy along the ground by vibrating.
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CRISPR gene editing may have just become a whole lot more accurate

Researchers at McGill University in Canada may have demonstrated a breakthrough in CRISPR gene editing: repairing mutations in 90 percent of target cells.
electronic skin germany eskin

Forget bulky controllers. ‘Electronic skin’ may make it easier to interact in VR

Researchers in Germany have created a magnetosensitive electronic skin that’s about as thin as a Band-Aid, but is capable of tracking subtle hand movements in VR.
die with me chat app photo by bieke depoorter  magnum photos 01

‘Die With Me’ is a chat you can only access when your phone’s almost dead

'Die With Me' is a new chat app for iOS and Android that can only be accessed when your smartphone has less than 5 percent battery.
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I’m not even mad. That’s amazing! 7 brilliant, unorthodox hacks

Most of the time, hacking means brute force attacks. Not so with these unorthodox hacks for everything from drones to 3D printers.
social media addiction teens on phones

If tech addiction is screwing up our kids, what should tech giants be doing?

With investors asking Apple to investigate smartphone addiction, what responsibility do tech companies have to control the issue?
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Crumble-proof concrete? Fungi could help it heal itself of cracks

Researchers have developed a new self-healing fungi-based concrete, which could one day be used for permanently repairing cracks in aging concrete.
insane nerf minigun mod 20171230 161059

This Nerf gun mod fires 20 rounds per second, destroys nieces and nephews

YouTuber Captain Xavier has built a Nerf minigun that is capable of firing 20 balls per second, with a magazine that holds 2,000 rounds.
revolve folding wheel 02 folded home andrea mocellin 2017

With a crazy folding design, Revolve has literally reinvented the wheel

Revolve is a full-size, 26-inch spoked wheel that can be folded to a third of its diameter in a second, allowing it to take up just 60 percent of the space it would normally.
spacex falcon heavy day

Prepare for liftoff! Here’s 7 crazy facts about the SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket

The SpaceX Falcon Heavy is the rocket Elon Musk says will one day head to Mars. Here are some awesome facts about the "world's most powerful rocket."
worlds tallest ice tower china 2018 by maple village

Engineers just built the world’s tallest ice tower in China — here’s how

A collaboration between researchers in China and the Netherlands has resulted in the world's tallest ice tower being created in the Chinese city of Harbin.
pipe cyberpunk synth instrument soma voice synthesizer 5

The Pipe is a futuristic new instrument that looks like a cyberpunk saxophone

Vlad Kreimer's innovative cyberpunk instrument, The Pipe, is capable of transforming a person’s voice into a drumbeat or synth.
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Stem cell breakthrough may give people with paralysis their sense of touch back

Researchers at UCLA have demonstrated that it is possible to coax stem cells to become sensory interneurons.

Color-changing temporary tattoo reveals when you’ve soaked up too much sun

LogicInk's temporary tattoo changes color as it’s exposed to sunlight, thereby warning you if you've soaked up enough UV rays for the day.
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New approach to fighting cancer involves … 3D printing extra tumors?

A new technique which could help fight cancer involves 3D printing extra tumors. It makes more sense than that sounds.
drones lift objects together vehicles frames2

Forget forklifts, these tiny warehouse drones team up to lift big objects

If you’re trying to carry something heavy, the easiest thing to do is to grab a buddy and take one end each. These drones can do the same.
dog translation ai startup audiobooks

Real-life Doctor Dolittle aims to use A.I.-powered translator to talk to animals

Who hasn't wondered what their pet is saying? A new A.I. startup called Zoolingua promises to help give us the tools to find out.
3d holostream tech purdue bell

Bored by Skype and FaceTime? 3D video chat is on its way to a phone near you

Purdue University's new tech enables high quality 3D video communication on mobile devices using only existing standard wireless networks.
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Swipe right for legal advice? New lawyer-finding app takes a cue from Tinder

A new app borrows from the matching process frequently used on dating apps and applies it to the task of pairing up attorneys and clients.
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FDA approves algorithm that predicts sudden patient deaths to help prevent them

The FDA this month granted official approval for an algorithm used in hospitals to help predict -- and hopefully prevent -- patient deaths.
shell half smartwatch smartphone

Shell is an unusual mash-up of smartwatch and smartphone

What happens when you cross a smartphone with a smartwatch? Something like Shell, a device which promises to combine both gadgets into one.
cancer brocolli singapore research gettyimages 847156142

Broccoli and reprogrammed gut bacteria team up to battle cancer

Researchers in Singapore have developed a new way to battle colorectal cancer -- and it involves reprogrammed bacteria and broccoli!
9 amazing graphene applications superconductor a

9 amazing uses for graphene, from filtering seawater to smart paint

Super-material graphene has astonishing strength, flexibility, and other surprising skills and applications. Here are some of the best.
3d printed working radio 3dprintedradio1

This amazing 3D-printed radio works, despite having no battery or outlet plug

This 3D printed radio can be built at home with no soldering, electronics experience, outlet plug, or even batteries. Here's how.
algae bio cell cambridge covered water

Genetically engineered algae could bring off-grid solar power to rural Africa

Researchers at the U.K.'s University of Cambridge have developed a bio solar cell that’s powered by genetically modified live algae.
ocado armar 6 robot secondhands 3

Online supermarket Ocado’s humanoid robot is the factory worker of the future

Online supermarket Ocado wants to establish itself as one of the most tech-savvy companies around -- and it’s got the robot to prove it.
yuneec three drones 2018 hd racer

Yuneec unveils three new drones, including an updated Typhoon H Plus

Yuneec has unveiled three new drones, including a new, improved version of the Typhoon H, arguably one of the best drones available.
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Uniz’s new line of 3D printers bring astonishing levels of speed

Unveiled at CES 2018, Uniz's impressive new line of 3D printing tech promising speeds of hundreds of times that of conventional 3D printers.

Coffee table-sized mechanical ‘Pong’ makes its official debut at CES

Two years ago, a band of friends created a mechanical version of 'Pong.' Now, the unit is in the production phase and on the showroom floor.
wackiest tech ces 2018 foldimate 1

A mirror that tells it like it is? Here are the wackiest gadgets from CES 2018

CES 2018 may offer some groundbreaking tech, but there's also an array of more offbeat offerings. Here are eight of our favorites.
3d printer building boats dsc0549

Enormous 3D printer is designed for an equally huge job: printing yacht parts

Netherlands-based company CEAD is developing an industrial scale 3D printer with a very specific use case: helping to 3D print ships.
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‘Adversarial glasses’ can fool even state-of-the-art facial-recognition tech

Researchers have developed 3D-printed glasses that are capable of fooling even cutting-edge facial recognition systems.