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Latest by Luke Dormehl

augmented reality glasses blind 35462225 l

Augmented reality glasses could soon help return sight to legally blind people

Researchers have developed a pair of augmented reality glasses that will soon help thousands of legally blind people to see again.
vocktail programmable cocktail glass vcapp

This cocktail glass lets you customize your drink’s flavor using an app

Researchers have developed a smart cocktail glass that can trick your senses into believing is filled with whatever drink you want.
muon tomography great pyramid

Meet the tech that revealed a hidden chamber inside Egypt’s Great Pyramid

Scientists recently discovered a large hidden chamber in the Great Pyramid of Giza. Their secret? An imaging tool called muon tomography.
vaccine blowing nose

Want to be immune from the flu forever? This new vaccine might do the trick

Researchers from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln have invented a four-in-one flu vaccine which they hope may offer lifelong immunization.
dorna robotic arm dsc01361z

You don’t need a JARVIS-style robotic arm, but you’ll definitely want this one

What tech lover wouldn’t want their very own programmable five-axis robotic arm? Fortunately a new Kickstarter campaign is here to help.
vibwrite biometric security 85257687 l

VibWrite can transform any surface into a secure biometric ID sensor

A new biometric security system called VibWrite is able to turn any flat surface into an authentication sensor.
smart app sexting alert 40532750 l

Worried your kid is ‘sexting’? This AI-powered watchdog app can help

Using artificial intelligence algorithms, this app will help stop young people sexting, a.k.a. sending explicit images of themselves.
laser bird defense scarecrow cannon

Birds eating your crops? $10k laser turrets will solve that problem

After its crop of blueberries were decimated by hungry birds last year, one Oregon farm decided to bring in laser guns as modern scarecrows.
image recognition turtle rifle 1

That turtle is a gun! MIT scientists highlight major flaw in image recognition

Researchers from MIT have 3D printed a turtle that can fool image recognition algorithms into thinking it's a rifle. Here's why that's scary.
hybrid toothbrush no batteries bacground

Forget batteries, this powered toothbrush runs solely on kinetic energy

This hybrid toothbrush promises the power and performance of an electric toothbrush, without any need for batteries or electricity.
3d printed steel marine grade 8a6b0820

3D-printed stainless steel is up to 3 times tougher than alternatives

Researchers have made a major breakthrough in the 3D printing of 316L, a type of versatile 'marine grade' stainless steel.
hearing aids spider silk 25929565 l

Spider silk could vastly improve microphones for hearing aids, cell phones, more

Researchers have found that spider silk can help improve the quality of microphones for hearing aids and other devices.

Bored this winter? You can now build yourself a humanoid robot assistant

Ever wanted to build your very own humanoid robot? If you have access to a 3D printer and 300 hours of spare time, this tutorial's for you.
algorithm low res high fromsmallton

New algorithm helps turn low-resolution images into detailed photos, ‘CSI’-style

Computer scientists in Germany have developed a smart algorithm that can turn blurry, pixelated images into high-resolution ones.
scale individual cells cytomass monitor intro

The world’s most precise scale can measure the exact weight of individual cells

Want to know the weight of life? Researchers have invented a smart scale that's capable of measuring the exact weight of individual cells.
spydro fishing camera girl

Spydro guppy cam captures footage from the fishing line

Spydro is a smart underwater fishing camera, designed to automatically record the moment a fish strikes, and share this with your phone.
drone unmanned flight record vanilla

Diesel-powered drone remains in flight for a record five days

Vanilla Aircraft's VA001 drone has broken the world record for longest unmanned internal combustion-powered flight in history.
firefox 58 may be first major browser to block canvas fingerprinting a furniture store posts  going out of

Swing and a miss: 6 ambitious tech ventures that failed miserably

From victorian-era supercomputers to Apple-themed cafes, here's a quick sampling of some of the most noteworthy tech flops in history. Enjoy!
mit collaborative ai horror writer 30536936 l

MIT built an A.I. bot that writes scary stories — and some are terrifying

Researchers at MIT have developed the world's first collaborative A.I. horror writer. Just in time for Halloween, too!
dubai robocop

9 high-tech examples that prove Dubai is the world’s most futuristic city

From robotic police forces to autonomous flying taxis, here are our picks for Dubai's most exciting tech innovations.
bike carrying kickstarter peakrider

Clever 'bikepacking' system makes carrying your bike easier than ever

New Kickstarter PeakRider is a handy bike-carrying system for those 'hike a bike' occasions when you can't ride.
university washington robot skin with arm

This flexible skin will help robots sense the world around them

Flexible, sensitive skin for robots could make them better at everything from moving objects in a warehouse to carrying out surgery.
vauth voice id 1

New voice ID system reads throat vibrations to determine who’s speaking

Researchers have developed a voice security system that's able to identify who's speaking by how their throat moves as they're speaking.
3D printer

The new-and-improved Mod-T 3D printer isn’t just better — it’s cheaper, too

The creators of the New Matter Mod-T 3D printer are back with a sequel to their low cost desktop 3D printer -- now available on Kickstarter.
beacon helmet laser dsc9585

Beacon Helmet uses laser markings to light the way for cyclists

Thousands of cyclists are killed on the road each year. Beacon is a new cycling helmet that hopes to help -- and it's using lasers to do it.
led system thwarts photos mjk2nzu3nw

Clever new LED lighting system thwarts unwanted smartphone photography

Want to stop people snapping photos with their smartphones? This smart LED system disrupts camera sensors by producing a flickering pattern.
earthquake proof cement plastering a wall with seismic resistant concrete 37535979071 o

Amazing new spray-on cement could help old buildings survive earthquakes

Researchers have developed a new cement which can be sprayed onto the walls of existing buildings to make them earthquake resistant.
creepy robot mask coding novaedit09

Just in time for Halloween, this spooky robot mask will help teach you to code

This creepy Phantom of the Opera-style head promises to teach you how to code by building your very own robot.

Chinese knock-off of Boston Dynamics’s Spot robot looks virtually identical

A new Chinese robotics startup, Unitree Robotics,, has unveiled its own take on the dog robot made famous by Boston Dynamics.
babyglimpse child dna prediction 38833535 l

Curious what traits your unborn child will have? Send HumanCode your spit

BABYGlimpse is a DNA-powered service which promises to let couples discover the traits their unborn child may inherit for just $349.
self driving car vr experience moovellab 18

Ever wondered what it’s like to be a self-driving car? Moove lets you find out

Researchers in Germany have built an unorthodox vehicle that you get to drive using only the data a self-driving car gets to see.

Giant art installation displays 3D selfies on an enormous 850,000-LED ‘head’

Ever wanted to see a 14-foot-high, 3D image of your face on a giant LED screen shaped like a human head? You must be a fan of selfies.

6 ways humankind might accidentally bring about the ‘techpocalypse’

As much as we love tech, there are still plenty of ways in which it has the potential to bring about the "techpocalypse." Here's six of them
london billboard recognizes users dsc 3733 final

Crazy cyberpunk billboard can sense viewers, target them with specific ads

London's most famous London video billboard can now identify the cars around it and play relevant ads.