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Latest by Mike Flacy


Facebook reacts to Airtime by adding Call button on Timeline

DirecTV Dish

DirecTV considers rolling out commercial skipping technology

Milkmaid Milk Jug

Quirky jug sends you a text message when the milk goes bad

new google tv experience video

Future Google TV hardware streams video from Android devices

iPad on an airplane

Airline ditches heavy, in-seat televisions in favor of the iPad

WD TV Live media streamers

Western Digital adds SlingPlayer functionality to WD TV Live media streamers


Ford, State Farm team up to track drivers for cheaper insurance rates

Hundai Veloster Pandora

Man proposes to girlfriend through Pandora audio advertisement

Facebook Addiction

Are you addicted to Facebook? Psychologist develops tool to measure addiction

Facebook Messenger Read Receipts

Facebook updates Messenger app, shows when a friend has read your message

Microsoft abandons Windows Live branding in Windows 8

Space Shuttle Enterprise

Space shuttle Enterprise races along the NYC skyline

DirectTV Android App

DirecTV rolls out streaming movies, television shows on Android‎ devices

Students Computers

Student candidate allegedly hacks his own election results


Google Meter breaks down your email habits

Battleground on Hulu

Hulu Plus hits two million subscribers, more original content incoming


Verizon’s 4G LTE service available to two-thirds of U.S. population with expansion


D-Link releases streaming-only MovieNite media player


Netflix updates Windows Phone, Xbox 360 apps

spotify wall

Spotify extends free, unlimited listening period in the United States


Feds sue AT&T over $16 million collected from fraudulent charges


Economics students create cost estimates to build Batmobile, Death Star


Top five Nintendo 3DS eShop games

Facebook browsing

Study: Is Facebook more addictive than alcohol or cigarettes?


EcoATM offers cash for old mobile phones, MP3 players


Mercedes-Benz Mbrace2 adds Facebook, Google Street View and Yelp


Fitbit announces the Aria Wi-Fi scale


Vizio expands into PC market with ultrabooks, all-in-one desktops


Facebook scammers are taking advantage of anti-Timeline sentiment


Tumblr to add private messaging with “Fan Mail”


Microsoft fumbles UFC promotion on Xbox Live, promises improvements


Gizmon iCA brings a classic look to iPhone photography


NPD: Nearly three fourths of small businesses are eyeing tablets for 2012

lulzsec wages war with anonymous and 4chan releases 62000 logins

Anonymous releases credit card, email data stolen from Stratfor