Captain America director Joe Johnston is credited with Boba Fett's original design, and he wants to work with George Lucas to take the Slave I pilot and bounty hunter to the big screen.
Proust prompts you to dig deeper and bare your soul, in turn learning more about your closest family and friends. A refreshing take on social networking, or too pretentious for the Facebook generation?
Google+ showed Shatner the door and is demonstrating a sensitivity uncommon for social sites, just one example of how Google is scrutinizing what's let into the infant platform.
Why Google+ doesn't already have search is a little baffling, but there are a handful of ways to implement the feature without waiting on an official update.
Recently Amazon launched a Kindle textbook rental service to compete with several other services designed to save college kids some cash. Here's a look at how e-textbook programs compare.
Facebook is happy to take in all the data it can -- it's getting that information back out that's a problem. Try as it might it can't block every extension: Here are a few ways to pull your data from Facebook.
A woman accused of mortgage fraud has appealed the court's request to decrypt her laptop, and the decision will set a new precedent for computer security.
Paul Adams was a crucial part of the Google Circles development, and before Google+ launched he defected to Facebook. Now, Google won't respond to his requests to publish his book about social media engineering.