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Latest by Molly McHugh

Hands on with Color, the social app of the moment

Olympus XZ-1

Olympus XZ-1 Review

RIM confirms Blackberry PlayBook Android integration, with a catch

Facebook revamps and reintroduces Questions

new youtube tools make anyone an animator animation

New YouTube tools make anyone an animator

Oxford English Dictionary welcomes LOL, OMG, and FYI

Google launches UK-based online magazine ‘Think Quarterly’

PlayStation 3 hacker ‘GeoHot’ flees country

Google patents ‘Google Doodles’

Microsoft finally begins the Windows Phone 7 update

Next round of iPad 2 releases spurn India

Nokia making a tablet without Microsoft?


Burma bans Skype, severing global communication

Senators ask Apple to pull DUI-evasion apps

will we see the xbox 720 in 2015 thumb

Will we see the Xbox 720 in 2015?

Vodafone starts pre-orders for Xperia Play

Amazon cuts e-book sharer, Lendle; UPDATE: Lendle is back

NPD: Consumers flock to supersized smartphones

microsoft sues barnes noble over patent infringement nook thumb

Microsoft sues Barnes & Noble over patent infringement

4G BlackBerry PlayBook coming to Sprint this summer

Zynga RewardVille will deepen social gaming addictions


Happy fifth, Twitter! A look back at noteworthy tweets

whats going to happen sprint thumb

What’s going to happen to Sprint?

Will Digg founder Kevin Rose jump off his sinking ship?

It’s official: ICANN approves .xxx

Amazon will undercut Google Marketplace prices with Android AppStore

Nintendo 3DS could help diagnose children with eye disorders

Galaxy Player vs. iPod Touch: Specs compared

Controversial ‘gay-cure’ app sparks calls for Apple removal

Relax: Japanese radiation isn’t coming to eat you


Best St. Patrick’s Day iPhone apps

Two new Samsung Galaxy Player models coming to US

One in four college textbooks will be digital in five years


Turning to tech: How to aid Japan relief efforts