Using technologies developed for the OLPC, Pixel Qi will try to drop the price even further on its own commercial variant, which it hopes to sell for $75.
The TV-digitizing SlingBox will soon get BlackBerry support, allowing workaholics everywhere to abandon their livelihoods in favor of Home Improvement reruns.
The company's new line-up includes a slew of media-oriented PCs tailored to different buyers, as well as two big-screen monitors with high contrast ratios.
The Traffic Assist 7827 will bring free real-time traffic reports and directions detailed enough to let you know which lane to be in, among other features.
In Rainbows will go on sale Jan. 1 as a physical CD, more than two months after it was released to consumers on the Web for whatever they wanted to pay.
Don't expect to turn your iPhone into a PSP just yet, but an early version of software to run PlayStation 1 games on both the iPhone and iPod Touch is now available.