eBay has launched a critique of trading laws in the European Union, which it describes as from the “last century” by not allowing customers to save money by cross-border trading. It also claims the manufacturers are exploiting the laws to try and limit the effect of online trading, and will be heading a lobby on online traders working for change at the European Parliament.
Paloma Castro, head of EU liaison for eBay, told the BBC:
"Entrenched manufacturers want to continue making money as they did in the 1950s, but the business models have to adapt for the new economy.”
The company has identified four areas needing change – the law surrounding trademark agreements, service and customer provision and distribution agreements, and wants a single global price for goods.
The company doesn’t expect immediate change, but having support from members of all for main parties in the European Parliament, it does have a base to work from. It believes its message will hit home in this time of the credit crunch:
"Currently it is estimated that online shopping puts 17% of savings in the average household basket. Looking at these rules could make those savings even better," said Ms. Castro.