While it’s fun to impersonate animal noises when your kid asks what a so-and-so sounds like, you’ll likely to come unstuck with the question, “What does a bowhead whale sound like?”
The good news is, Google has just rolled out a new search feature offering an array of animal noises at the click of a mouse – and yes, the bowhead whale is included.
Besides the “easy” noises, such as dog (“woof”) and cat (“meow”), the tool also offers audio clips for the aforementioned bowhead whale (it’s sort of an otherworldly “bwarr bwoooo waaa”), a raccoon (goes something like “hi-hi-hi-hi-hi-hi-hi”), and a zebra (sounds like someone using a small saw to cut up a piece of plastic).
Nineteen sounds are currently offered (owl, zebra, humpback whale, bowhead whale, ape, dog, cat, moose, raccoon, horse, tiger, lion, pig, sheep, elephant, duck, cow, rooster, and turkey), though hopefully the team behind the feature are working right now on adding new noises for other animals.
To access the tool, Google “animal noises” or search, for example, “pig noise.” Or simply hit the links.
When you search for a single creature, you’ll also be offered a selection of other animal noises among the 19 listed above.
You can play each audio clip by itself or create a zoo-like atmosphere by clicking on all the animals one after the other in quick succession. Your kids are going to love it. Heck, you’ll love it too (for at least a couple of minutes).