Anti-social behavior is everywhere, but in the UK it can land you in court and make you the recipient of an Anti-Social Behavior Order, or ASBO, under which you’re restricted in whatyou’re allowed to do. Thousands have been handed out in the last few years, but a Norfolk teenager, who can’t be named because of his age, has made history. He’s received anASBO for his Bebo page. There, according to the Norfolk Eastern Daily Press, he not only displayed pictures of himselfsmoking cannabis, but also wrote insults to the police and boasted about stealing cars. PC Tim Chapman told the newspaper, "This individual was caught using good old-fashionedpolice work, but the comments on the Bebo website demonstrated his attitude towards offending the community and the police. We were able to use that in court and his defense was unable to present hisclient as an upstanding member of the community because of it. We would consider doing the same thing again." In Youth Court in Norwich the teen was banned from online publication ofmaterial that could be considered "threatening or abusive" and was also told to refrain from "promoting criminal activity".