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U.S. Nixes British Cuba Tourist Site

U.S. Nixes British Cuba Tourist SiteWith a few exceptions, American citizens aren’t allowed to go to Cuba. Steve Marshall, a British travel agent who operates tourism sites out of the Spanish-owned Canary Islands, knows that. Heclaims he doesn’t do business with Americans wanting to travel to Cuba because of that ban. So he’s baffled as to why the US Treasury blacklisted 80of his sites in October and ordered domain name registrar eNom to close his sites and deny him access. In a New York Timesstory, Marshall said it made no sense that "websites owned by a British national operating via a Spanish travel agency can be affected by US law" and that “These days not even a judgeis required for the US government to censor online materials." A Treasury spokesman told the newspaper that Marshall was free to appeal the decision, but that his business was "a generatorof resources that the Cuban regime uses to oppress its people".   The site, Bonjour Cuba, is now up again, along with most of Marshall’s other sites, but with a European host and a .net suffix.

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PayPal vs. Venmo vs. Cash App vs. Apple Cash: which app should you use?
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We’re getting closer every day to an entirely cashless society. While some folks may still carry around a few bucks for emergencies, electronic payments are accepted nearly everywhere, and as mobile wallets expand, even traditional credit and debit cards are starting to fall by the wayside.

That means many of us are past the days of tossing a few bills onto the table to pay our share of a restaurant tab or slipping our pal a couple of bucks to help them out. Now, even those things are more easily doable from our smartphones than our physical wallets.

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How to change margins in Google Docs
Laptop Working from Home

When you create a document in Google Docs, you may need to adjust the space between the edge of the page and the content --- the margins. For instance, many professors have requirements for the margin sizes you must use for college papers.

You can easily change the left, right, top, and bottom margins in Google Docs and have a few different ways to do it.

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What is Microsoft Teams? How to use the collaboration app
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Online team collaboration is the new norm as companies spread their workforce across the globe. Gone are the days of primarily relying on group emails, as teams can now work together in real time using an instant chat-style interface, no matter where they are.

Using Microsoft Teams affords video conferencing, real-time discussions, document sharing and editing, and more for companies and corporations. It's one of many collaboration tools designed to bring company workers together in an online space. It’s not designed for communicating with family and friends, but for colleagues and clients.

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