According to Fox News, hack attacks have compromised World Bank servers at least six times in the last year. They say they have internal memos from the bank citing two attacks from IP addresses in China and a large malware infection.
Fox claims that the memos recommend erase and reinstalled to erase the malware and that security procedures be upgraded, as well as 4,500 passwords be changed, stating that an e-mail from July called it all an “unprecedented crisis.”
However, the World Bank takes issue with those claims. In a statement it said:
"The Fox News story is wrong and is riddled with falsehoods and errors. The story cites misinformation from unattributed sources and leaked emails that are taken out of context."
"Like other public and private institutions, the World Bank has repeatedly experienced hacking attacks on its computer systems and is constantly updating its security to defeat these. But at no point has a hacking attack accessed sensitive information in the World Bank’s Treasury, procurement, anti-corruption or human resources departments."